Tourist Info Anna

Tourist Info Quesa

Mountainbike-Route 2 Anna – Chella

Mountainbike-Route 2 Anna – Chella

38,35 km

Start: Tourist Info Anna / Moderate / Circular

– Start: Anna End: Anna
– Circular: Yes Direction: Clockwise. Can be done counterclockwise: Yes
– Technical path or trail km: 0
– Track or path km: 7.1 (19%)
– Asphalt path km: 14 (37%)
– Mountain road km: 13.7 (37%)
– Main road km: 0.5 (1%)
– Bike lane km: 2.4 (6%)
– Total km: 37.9 Positive elevation: +580
– Route ratings from 0 to 5 stars:
MTB: * Gravel: ****
– Difficulty (low, medium, or high)
Technical: low / Physical: low-medium.
– Points of interest: Next to Albufera at km 1.7 and Fuente de Marzo at km 2.2. Link with 3MILES at km 18.9.

Brief description of the route:
Ideal for enjoying gravel and also gentle MTB. It is divided into a clear first half of ascent along the CV-584 enjoying the landscape, pine forests, and the tranquility of the surroundings. The second part is a long and gentle descent where pedaling will be necessary. Great panoramic views.
This route can be used to link with the 3MILES after leaving Anna.

Wie kommt man dorthin

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